How to Get MSSQL Data in PostgreSQL Using (Foreign Data Wrapper) tds_fdw

Vishal Singh
4 min readOct 4, 2020



PostgreSql Installation

Here I am using PostgreSQL 12 .(PostgreSql Download Link)

tds_fdw installation and configuration

You need to download suitable Binaries according to your Software.

For Binaries You can refer the below link .(Binary file link)


After downloading the binaries extract the Binary file .

After that go to PostgreSql Folder in Program files and Paste the Binary file according to given instruction.

Before creating extension check on which port your Ms sql server is Running.

  1. Open SQL sever 2019(your version) configuration Manager.

2. Open the Sql Server 2019 configuration Manager

Check TCP/IP is enabled.

3. Click on the TCP/IP and check on which port it is running

See if there is port number mentioned or not & click ok .

After that restart the server.

Click on the Sql server (which is running) and Restart it .

MSSQL Table Creation and accessing in Postgres

Open Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio 18

Open it and we are going to create new user first.

Go to login and click on it to create new user.

After that write the UserName & Password and give certain permission of sysadmin(to fetch all the database if you wish)

Press Ok and you will see a new user has been created.

After that we are going to log in with the new user .

As the new user it will ask for new password you can enter same password as you wish.

Press Ok you will find that you have signed into MS SQL with same UserName.

So create one Database and Table .

Database Name — Test

Table Name- employee (with 4 attributes)

Schema — dbo

After that we will go to PostgreSql we will create extension and try to fetch data using Foreign Data wrapper.

1 Create Database

Enter the DataBase Name and press Save.

After that you will find DatabaseName in Databases.

Open Query tool

We are going to create extension(tds_fdw)

I have followed this link for syntax reference(Syntax Link)

Step :1

After execution you can find extension.

Step 2: Foreign server Creation

You will find foreign server you created on foreign servers.

Step 3: We are going to create userMapping

You can see user Mappings in user Mapping that you have created.

Step 4: We will create Foreign Table

You can see created Foreign Table

Step 5: Now we are going to Run a Query to check we can fetch Data .



Vishal Singh
Vishal Singh

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